Surgical, in-patient

Breast reductions and breast lifts in Zug
Most people associate cosmetic breast surgery with breast enlargement, but not every woman seeking to change the appearance of her breasts does so because she considers her breasts too small. Some women are bothered by what they perceive as drooping or sagging breasts, for example. Very large breasts can also be a source of discomfort, especially when they seem disproportionate to the rest of the body. Those affected by this issue often choose clothing based on how well it masks the size of their breasts, and many of them subconsciously change their posture to make their breasts less noticeable. Over time, this can lead to posture problems and muscle cramps.
The discomfort caused by large breasts frequently goes beyond aesthetic issues—they can cause legitimate health problems. In addition to the posture issues mentioned, many women with large breasts experience tension or pain in their shoulders, necks and backs due to the extra weight, and their bra straps often dig into their skin as well. The constant psychological stress these women endure is not to be underestimated, either. Cosmetic procedures like breast reduction or breast lift surgery (mastopexy) can help in such situations.
Breast reductions and breast lifts in Switzerland at a glance
Duration of surgery
90 minutes to 3 hours
General anesthesia
Rest and recovery
Two weeks; no sports for 6 weeks
Return to work
After approx. 1-2 weeks
Post-operative care
Compression bra
Swelling, bruising, redness, changes in sensation, numbness
Personal consultation and surgery planning
Breast surgeries are highly individual; there are any number of reasons why a patient might be interested in changing the size or shape of her breasts. This is why we always start with a comprehensive consultation appointment at my clinic in Zug, so that I can find out what exactly is bothering you and what expectations you have regarding treatment. Using this information as well as what I learn through careful examination and analysis, I will then explain your medical options, and we will discuss your individual treatment plan in detail. I will also take time to answer any questions you may have.
Breast lift or breast reduction?
Whether a breast lift (mastopexy) or a breast reduction (reduction mammaplasty) is advisable largely depends on the initial situation. Drooping, sagging breasts can develop in connection with significant weight loss or following pregnancy and breastfeeding. If the stretched skin cannot retract to its original position, it remains as a mantle of slack skin, which often leads to drooping breasts. In such cases, a breast lift can help remove the excess tissue and return the breasts to their original, youthful position.
Breast reduction, meanwhile, is an option for patients who feel that their breasts have excess volume; the goal of this procedure is to create a smaller bosom that fits the patient’s overall frame. In some cases, it may be advisable to combine the two procedures for optimum results. You and I will discuss the best method in your situation as part of your individual consultation.
The operation itself
On the day of the operation, I draw guideline marks for the agreed-upon incisions on the patient’s skin. Breast reductions and lifts are always done under general anesthesia. Once it has taken effect, I remove fat and/or mammary tissue as well as excess skin, depending on the indication. When correcting large or significantly drooping breasts, I may also need to reposition the nipples. To do this, I make circular incisions around the areolas and shift the nipples onto the new breasts in order to create aesthetically harmonious results. How long the procedure takes depends on how extensive the procedure is—in other words, how much tissue is being removed. Most operations take between 90 minutes and three hours. After finishing the breast reduction / breast lift, we apply a soft cotton bandage to the area for protection. In some cases, we also place small surgical drains to help wound secretions flow.
Recovery and post-surgical care after a breast lift / breast reduction
Most patients spend the night at the clinic after their operations for monitoring purposes. If surgical drains are used, they can usually be removed the following day. After a few days, we swap the soft bandage for a special compression bra, which the patient wears for six weeks; among other things, the bra protects the breasts, helps with wound healing, and ensures that the breasts take on a natural shape. It can also help with post-operative symptoms like pain and swelling.
You will need at least a week or two to recover after surgery. Avoid sports or physical exertion for at least six weeks, especially anything involving heavy lifting. To minimize the amount of pressure on the scars, avoid raising your arms above shoulder level in the beginning, and try to sleep on your back for the first few weeks. The scars will gradually fade as the healing process continues, but if they remain noticeable and bothersome, we can schedule a subsequent scar correction procedure. You can resume sunbathing and tanning after around three months.
Frequently asked questions
What are the risks associated with these procedures?
The risk of complications is low when the procedure is done by a breast surgery expert. Temporary swelling, redness, and bruising may occur following a breast reduction or breast lift; over-the-counter pain medications may be used to alleviate these symptoms if needed. I would be happy to advise you in that regard. Some people also experience reduced sensitivity of the nipples, or of the breasts in general. Temporary numbness is usually no cause for concern and should go away over time; long-lasting changes in sensation are rare. If it becomes necessary to cut through the milk ducts during surgery (e.g., when moving the nipples), the patient will likely have limited or no ability to breastfeed after the operation.
Costs of breast reduction / breast lift operations
The cost of the procedure depends on the type and scope of the operation, so it can vary from patient to patient. I will be happy to discuss the costs you can expect for your breast reduction / breast lift as part of your personal consultation.
Will health insurance cover the cost of the operation?
Health insurance providers generally cover medically necessary operations. Many plastic surgery procedures are done for purely cosmetic reasons, so the patient pays the cost out-of-pocket. If your operation is medically indicated, I will be happy to discuss that with you and help you apply for insurance coverage. An independent medical examiner will verify the medical necessity of the procedure and provide confirmation of coverage if applicable.