Outpatient surgery

Eyelid lift in Zug
Lid lifts (blepharoplasties) are one of the most popular cosmetic procedures. Besides having a major influence on a face’s overall aesthetic appeal, the eyes can signal a wide range of emotions and moods—it’s no accident that we call them “windows to the soul.” But even the delicate skin of the eyelids can lose tone and elasticity as part of the natural aging process, leading to wrinkles and sagging skin. Many people find drooping upper eyelids and under-eye bags particularly bothersome, as they often give the entire face a haggard, prematurely aged look. Corrective eyelid surgery can counteract these unwelcome changes to create a fresher, younger appearance.
Since I work in close cooperation with eye doctors, blepharoplasties (or cosmetic eyelid procedures) make frequent appearances on my operation schedule. When it comes to corrective eyelid surgery in Switzerland, I offer a wealth of specialist expertise and experience.
Lid lifts in Zug at a glance
Duration of surgery
Around an hour
Usually local anesthesia; twilight or full anesthesia if needed
Rest and recovery
At least 3 days
Return to work
After around 5 days (depending on type of work)
Follow-up care
Cold compresses, avoid sun, ointment or eye drops if needed
Swelling, redness, occasional minor bruising
Preparing for your lid lift: Consultation and planning
Thorough consultation and careful treatment planning are essential to achieving healthy, successful results on any plastic surgery procedure. The first step is to sit down with you in my office and discuss which specific changes you personally find bothersome, and what you hope to get out of treatment. Based on that information, I will go over your medical options and work with you to create your individualized treatment plan. We’ll discuss the procedure itself, pre- and post-operative care, expected costs, and any potential risks associated with lid lifts. After your consultation, you can take as much time as you need to decide whether to proceed with the operation.
I work in cooperation with the ophthalmologists at Augenärzte Zug to offer my patients fast, competent diagnostic evaluations. This is a particularly important part of the process, especially in cases where functional impairment is involved.
I help my patients apply for insurance coverage when corrective eyelid surgery is medically indicated. In severe cases, for example if your field of vision is affected, your health insurance provider will generally cover the cost of treatment. I would be happy to advise you in this regard.
What to expect
The treatment process for eyelid lifts in Zug
I do eyelid lifts as an outpatient procedure in my operating room using local anesthesia; we can also use twilight or general anesthesia if you prefer. My expert surgical team includes eye surgery and cosmetic surgery specialists.
The goal of eyelid correction is precise removal of excess skin and other tissue from the upper and/or lower eyelid. As such, achieving harmonious and long-lasting results sometimes requires tightening not only the skin, but also the muscles and other underlying structures. With lid lifts, it is especially important not to remove too much tissue, as it could cause problems with the eye closing properly. I strive for perfection when performing lid lifts, using specially designed magnifying glasses and proceeding with meticulous care. By positioning the incision within the natural crease in your eyelid, I make sure that the resulting surgical scar will be practically invisible.
In order to minimize any potential risks, eyelid lifts should always be performed by experienced plastic surgery specialists. The procedure usually takes about half an hour per side, though combination upper/lower lid operations are correspondingly longer.
Your personal eyelid lift appointment in Zug
Are you bothered by under-eye bags or drooping eyelids? Do you want to give your eyes a younger, more open look? I would be glad to sit down with you at my clinic in Zug and discuss the available plastic surgery options for eyelids. Call us at +41 41 729 50 29 or email us to schedule your non-binding consultation.
Frequently asked questions on eyelid lifts
Which methods are available?
Upper lid lifts
Upper eyelid lifting is used to correct “droopy” eyelids, in which the upper eyelid skin loses elasticity and begins to sag, causing the eyes to look older and more tired. In some cases, the skin droops far enough that it restricts the person’s field of vision.Lower lid lifts
When the skin and tissue of the lower lid begins to sag, it usually causes the underlying fatty tissue to push forward, giving the eyes a swollen look—what we call “under-eye bags.” A lower-lid lift can remove this excess skin; if necessary, I will also remove some of the fatty tissue or move it back to its original position.Brow lifts
A third treatment option, eyebrow lifting, involves removing excess skin using a discreet incision (usually above the hairline) and tightening the whole area, which raises the eyebrows slightly. This makes the eyes look larger, more open, and friendlier. Depending on the specific indication and the results you desire, you may elect to combine two or more of these procedures into a single operation.
What happens immediately after the operation?
After undergoing eyelid correction, patients are moved to our recovery room; they are usually ready to return home after an hour or two. Make sure to arrange for someone else to accompany you, as patients are usually somewhat disoriented after surgery—driving yourself home would be too dangerous. Your eyes will be very sensitive after the operation, so we recommend bringing dark sunglasses with you to the clinic. Swelling is common immediately following an eyelid lift; keeping the area cool will help with this. In order to avoid irritating the skin any further, we recommend using cold compresses or our special gel pads. We’ll walk you through how to cool the eye area properly, and send you home with everything you’ll need.
What should I do once I get home?
After undergoing a lid lift in Zug, patients should rest for at least three days and avoid physical exertion. We usually recommend that patients take it easy for one or two weeks to support the healing process, and then re-introduce sports gradually. Make sure to cool the area regularly in order to counteract swelling. I also advise sleeping with your upper body elevated. Most patients experience only minor post-operative pain that responds well to over-the-counter medications, which we will provide; severe pain is not usually expected.
We will schedule your individual follow-up examinations, which I will do personally. Your first check-up is usually on the following day; after five or six days, your stitches can be removed, which prevents your immune system from reacting to them as foreign bodies. In my experience, this method results in much finer and fainter scarring than usual; to prevent the scars from darkening later on, you should protect the treated area from direct sunlight for around three months.
How much is a lid lift in Switzerland?
Lid lifts in Zug are an individualized procedure, tailored to each patient’s anatomy and aesthetic goals. As such, it is impossible to provide a cost estimate without prior examination and consultation—prices for eyelid lifts are based on the type and scope of the operation, and the type of anesthesia used has an effect as well. Naturally, I will create a cost estimate for you as part of your individual treatment plan, and discuss both with you during your consultation appointment.
What are the potential risks?
Generally speaking, eyelid corrections are a low-risk and comparatively minor procedure as long as they are performed by an experienced plastic surgery specialist. Swelling, redness, and slight bruising are common after the operation and usually not a cause for concern; they should go away on their own as part of the natural healing process. Some patients experience temporary issues with sensation, in the form of either numbness or hypersensitivity. General surgical risks (e.g., bleeding, infections, wound-healing issues) and severe complications (e.g., functional impairment) are extremely rare.