Inpatient or outpatient operation

Gynecomastia surgery in Zug
Gynecomastia is the term for pathological enlargement of the male mammary glands. When this change results in a feminine-looking chest, it often becomes a source of great discomfort and shame for the affected man. Many gynecomastia sufferers refuse to go shirtless in public (at the beach, for example) or wear close-fitting clothing, for fear of being laughed at. My plastic surgery clinic in Zug offers a variety of methods for adjusting the appearance of the male chest, including surgical removal of the mammary glands or using liposuction to eliminate bothersome fat deposits.
Gynecomastia treatment in Switzerland at a glance
Duration of surgery
1 to 3 hours
Localized numbing with twilight anesthesia or general anesthesia
Rest and recovery
1-2 weeks; no sports for 6 weeks
Return to work
After about a week
Follow-up care
Compression girdle
Swelling, bruising, redness, temporary loss of sensation, tightness, noticeable scars (rare)
Types of gynecomastia
Generally speaking, enlarged male breasts develop for two reasons: gynecomastia (true gynecomastia) and lipomastia (pseudogynecomastia). True gynecomastia involves abnormal growth in one or both mammary glands, presumably due to hormonal changes and/or genetic predisposition. Since enlarged mammary glands can also occur in connection with another underlying condition, careful anamnesis and examination by a medical specialist are essential before treatment proceeds.
In lipomastia, the enlarged breasts are caused by the buildup of excess fat, often as a consequence of being generally overweight. In some cases, the fat negatively impacting the appearance of the chest area is left behind following major weight loss.
Besides the aesthetic aspect that troubles many men, gynecomastia can sometimes cause unpleasant feelings of tightness or even pain. In such cases, corrective male breast surgery can be advisable from a medical perspective as well.
What to expect: gynecomastia surgery in Zug
When determining the ideal course of treatment for gynecomastia, a chest X-ray and an endocrinological assay can be useful in order to rule out tissue changes such as breast cancer.
After thorough consultation and a full medical examination, you and I will schedule the operation. Before we begin, I will draw the planned incision on your skin. With true gynecomastia, I will make a small incision at the edge of the areola and remove the mammary gland. Liposuction around the edges is usually advisable in order to create a smooth transition and give the chest the most masculine contour possible. Tightening the skin can be advisable as well. Most of the time, the tissue removal is performed under general anesthesia.
What happens during liposuction?
Lipomastia is usually treated using liposuction. There are several methods of liposuction. For the tumescence technique, a large amount of liquid is directed into the tissue; this loosens up the fat cells and makes them easier to suction out. In water-assisted liposuction (WAL), a special apparatus on the suction cannula emits a jet of water, which gently dislodges the fat cells—without requiring large quantities of fluid or extensive waiting time. As part of your consultation at the clinic, I will determine and explain which method will be most effective in your particular case.
To perform the actual liposuction, I make tiny incisions into the skin and then insert the suction cannula into the fat tissue, so that the bothersome fat cells can be extracted from the body. Depending on the scope of the procedure, it may be done using either local or general anesthesia.
After the procedure
Follow-up care and recovery
The technique used, the scope of treatment, and the outcome of the procedure will determine whether we do the surgery on an outpatient basis or have you stay at the clinic for a day or two of monitoring; we will make this decision as part of the general surgical planning process. For the first week after your surgery, you should get as much rest as possible. Most patients can return to work after about a week, though that depends on how strenuous your job is. You should avoid physical exertion or sports for six to eight weeks, until the healing process has finished. Make sure to sleep on your back with your torso slightly elevated—this reduces the risk of swelling. You will wear a special compression girdle for about six weeks to protect your chest.
Potential risks and complications of gynecomastia surgery
Swelling, redness, and bruising are all normal reactions following chest surgery. You may also experience temporary changes in sensitivity or numbness due to nerve irritation; these issues will subside on their own over the course of the healing process. Though they can never be fully ruled out in any surgical procedure, bleeding, wound healing issues, infections, and excessive scarring are very rare.
Frequently asked questions
More information and FAQs on gynecomastia
Can gynecomastia be cured through diet and exercise?
No. True gynecomastia is enlarged mammary tissue; in men, this condition is unaffected by diet or exercise. The stubborn fat deposits characteristic of lipomastia usually require surgical intervention as well. Even so, a healthy and active lifestyle can help keep your body in shape and preserve the long-term results of your professional treatment.
Will the enlarged breasts grow back?
Gynecomastia surgery involves removing the mammary gland, so it cannot grow back, nor can fat cells return once they have been removed using liposuction. Gynecomastia surgery is therefore a permanent treatment, though it should be supplemented with exercise and balanced nutrition.
What does gynecomastia treatment cost?
The cost of male breast reduction depends on the type and scope of the operation. We will calculate the total cost based on your individual treatment plan and compile it into your overall schedule of treatment and expenses. I would be happy to discuss financial matters with you thoroughly as part of your personal consultation.
Will health insurance cover the procedure?
Health insurance generally covers surgery-related expenses when the procedure is medically necessary. In our experience, patients who undergo gynecomastia correction for purely cosmetic reasons pay the costs out of pocket.