Out-patient surgery

Labiaplasty in Zug
The genitals are an important part of our bodies—they have a significant impact on our individual well-being. With more people taking an interest in the appearance of their genitals, plastic surgery on this area has become increasingly popular. Though every woman’s genital area is unique, certain features tend to be a source of discomfort. In particular, women with long inner labia (vaginal lips) often feel less attractive, even inhibited. With labiaplasty, a minor outpatient procedure on the inner vaginal lips, I can correct the appearance of the labia and restore my patients’ confidence.
Labia reduction in Switzerland at a glance
Duration of surgery
1-2 hours
Rest and recovery
Approx. 3-7 days; exercise and intercourse after 6-8 weeks
Return to work
After around 1 week
Follow-up care
Cooling, rest, mild compression with tight-fitting undergarments, pantyliners if necessary
Swelling, temporary changes in sensation, infections (rare)
What makes someone a good candidate for labiaplasty?
In principle, labiaplasty can be performed on patients of any age (provided that they are adults). The most commonly cited reasons for seeking corrective labia surgery are large inner labia or slack, hanging labia. The women affected usually find it unattractive for the inner labia to protrude past the outer labia; many of those affected avoid wearing tight clothing, for fear of the excess tissue showing through the material, and some are even inhibited about sex or partnership as a result.
Besides the aesthetic factor, enlarged labia may also affect the woman’s health or sexual function. The additional tissue can rub against clothing, resulting in unpleasant pressure or even painful infections—especially during sports (e.g., cycling, horseback riding) or intercourse. Patients also often report problems with hygiene, since the tissue gets in the way of cleaning, making it easier for bacteria to form. In such cases, labiaplasty may be a logical step from a medical perspective as well.
Discreet consultation
Woman to woman
Though genital plastic surgery is fortunately no longer a taboo subject, many women find it difficult to discuss problems or desires involving their intimate areas. As an experienced plastic surgeon, I can understand your concerns, but let me assure you that I will provide a confidential atmosphere where you can speak freely, woman to woman. It makes no difference whether you are interested in labiaplasty for aesthetic or functional reasons—together, we will find a solution that will restore your sense of well-being.
The procedure
What happens in labiaplasty?
The goal of labia reduction is to shorten the inner labia so that the outer labia cover them to the greatest possible extent. The outer labia have a protective function—they surround the genitals to shield them against harmful bacteria and other pathogens.
During the operation, you will be resting comfortably on the examination table; local anesthesia will ensure that the procedure is completely painless. I will make a precise incision to remove the excess tissue and then stitch the wounds using fine suture material, usually absorbable. If needed for optimum results, I can also plump the outer lips, for example using hyaluronic acid or autologous fat.
For patients that consider their outer lips too large, the excess fatty tissue can be removed surgically.
Post-operative care
Following their labiaplasty, patients recover briefly at the clinic; they can return home after about two hours. An overnight stay is usually not necessary. Patients can expect temporary swelling, redness, or mild pain, since the genital area is highly sensitive—which is also why patients should plan to rest and recover for a few days. Cooling the area regularly will facilitate the healing process, but it is important to choose the right implements: using ice or excessively cold pads could cause inflammation and skin damage. Use a cool, damp cloth instead. Tight undergarments will have a compression effect on the area and thus facilitate healing.
You can shower on the day after the procedure, but make sure not to point the spray directly at the treated area. Use only clear water to clean the area at first—soap and intimate care products could cause irritation.
Most patients are ready to return to their normal work and social lives after about a week; sports and sexual intercourse should be avoided for six to eight weeks, to give the wounds time to heal properly. Similarly, patients will need to use pads rather than tampons at first.
Are there risks associated with labiaplasty?
When performed by an experienced plastic surgeon, corrective labia surgery is a low-risk, largely painless procedure. Any post-surgical issues are generally minor and no cause for concern. The genital area is usually swollen immediately after the operation; this swelling may persist for a few weeks, but it should subside on its own, with no further consequences. Redness and bruising are possible as well. Some patients also report temporary hypersensitivity in the area; others experience temporary numbness. Wound healing issues and infections occur only in rare circumstances.
Your appointment with Katja Kassem-Trautmann
If you are considering labiaplasty, I would be happy to assist you! You can contact my office via telephone or email to schedule your non-binding personal consultation, so that you can learn about modern cosmetic genital surgery and discover what labiaplasty can do for you.
Frequently asked questions
More information and FAQs on labiaplasty in Zug
What causes hanging labia?
Elongated inner labia or drooping outer labia can be a hereditary issue, or they may develop over time. Potential causes include the natural aging process, significant weight changes, and pregnancy and childbirth.
Is my period a factor in the operation?
No, your period does not affect the operation. For hygienic reasons, however, I advise my patients to schedule their labiaplasty procedure such that they will not menstruate in the first week following the operation. That way, it will be easier to keep the area clean, which minimizes the risk of infection. Patients should also note that they will need to use pads rather than tampons for about six weeks after their labiaplasty procedures.
Who is not a candidate for labiaplasty?
Anyone with injuries or diseases of the genital area
People who want surgery for the “wrong” reasons (e.g., pressured by someone else, following a fad) or have unrealistic expectations
What does labiaplasty cost?
The cost of corrective labia surgery can vary depending on the nature and scope of the procedure, which is why I can only provide a cost at your personal consultation—after I have examined you and talked to you about your specific goals.
Will health insurance cover the procedure?
Most patients seek labia reduction surgery for purely aesthetic reasons and thus pay their treatment costs out of pocket. If there are medical reasons for the procedure, health insurance providers may cover some or all of your treatment costs. I would be happy to discuss this with you in detail and, if the procedure is medically indicated, I will assist you with your request for coverage.
Does labiaplasty leave scars?
When performed by an experienced genital surgery expert, the risk of visible or even detectable scarring is minimal, though scarring can never be ruled out with complete certainty. If the procedure does result in bothersome scars, they can be corrected using non-invasive methods or a minor surgical procedure. In most cases, however, labiaplasty patients experience little to no scarring.